Wir hatten die Möglichkeit, uns mit einigen Entwickler:innen aus der matched.io Community zu unterhalten und möchten euch die spannenden Ergebnisse nicht vorenthalten!
Heute hat sich Entwicklerin Soraya Zeit genommen und uns von der besten Entscheidung ihrer beruflichen Laufbahn, ihren weiteren Skills und ihrem Weg zum Perfect Match mit Phat Consulting berichtet.
Phat Consulting ist ein langjähriger und führender Microsoft-Partner im Bereich Cloud-basierter Office- und Frontline-Collaboration.
Hi Soraya, please introduce yourself.
Soraya Karimzadah
What do you like about matched.io?
It has good environment to explain yourself and your skills. Fast responding from the employers. Finding match according to your skills instead of applying for an open position.
How long did it take to get your first match?
One week!
What happened after the match?
I got an interview.
A CV is ...
... A short description of you and your skills.
What was the best decision you made in your professional career?
To learn coding and move to Hamburg.
What career did your parents have in mind for you?
Being a Physician
Developing means lifelong learning. What was the last thing you learned outside of your job?
Require engineering.
What do you bring to the table besides your development skills?
Require engineering.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
What is important to you at work?
Trust, team work, communication.
What makes a good employer?
Responsible, Trustful, fair, realistic.
Podcast or book? Any recommendations ?
Thank you, dear Soraya, for your time!