Issue No 05/21
Fratelli d'Italia, L'Italia s'è desta; … The Squadra Azzurra sings the national anthem with great passion before every game of the European Championship. And it was precisely this passion that carried through the game and spilled over to the fans. While the Tifosi were full of joy watching their team play, there was more fear and worry in the faces of the Spaniards. Both countries were in the same situation. Why were the Italians so positive? Why did the captain Giorgio Chiellini radiate so much confidence? It seemed to me that they saw victory in front of their eyes. They had an urgent desire to win. And they believed in it. And their dream of the final came true. Another example that we can achieve anything we are willing to believe in. It’s all about mindset, Ivy
Social Impact Hackathon 2021
As developers, we shape the future. It is our responsibility to make the world a little better and to leave an impact by means of disruptive innovation. On July 23rd, we will cooperate with organizations and companies that share our motivation in the 48h programming competition.
Sophia - currently setting up her monitor wall.
Folding Laundry is boring? Not for our brains!
Multitasking is no longer a rarity in today's world. However, it's actually better for our brain if we do one thing at a time. Because when we concentrate on a "boring" activity like folding laundry, our brain can switch on "autopilot" and really rev up to full speed. We become more creative, more imaginative and our neural resources last longer throughout the day. And that, in turn, means less stress.
Lina - already on the 5th load of laundry for today.
Between medicine, revolution and science fiction. Elon Musk's Neuralink
Imagine you can "learn" Mandarin by copying a file to your brain. Crazy. Imagine that with a "neuralink" in your head, paraplegics can walk, Parkinson's patients can stop shaking, and deaf people can hear again. Absurdly crazy.
Charly - wrote the article with his thoughts.
Hahahahaha. Not funny.
Humor helps us defy the adversities of everyday life. And when I scroll through my Instagram timeline and come across the strangely soulful stick figures of Krieg und Freitag, I feel recognized and understood for a moment. His themes are on the pulse of time, (socially) critical and on the edge of the abyss.
Gilles - likes to laugh in inappropriate moments.
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
The No.1 bestseller by Psychologist and Professor Jordan B. Peterson “12 Rules for Life” is one which we can recommend to anyone. It is a handbook for a more disciplined and balanced life in a world that holds many opportunities for distraction. The ideas of the book and more wisdom are illustrated in this great video.
Riki - can see clearly with glasses and a J.P book.