Issue No 02/21
I press play on my cassette player in my teenage room, the music plays and as my head sinks into the pillow, I slowly drift off. My thoughts mix with the songs and become the sound of my childhood.
The device, which at the time was only used to listen to mix tapes of my favorite band, has in retrospect been my own personal therapist – an electronic mouthpiece and the first reminder of how technology has enriched my life.
Have fun reading,
Michele – startup mindset in permanent employment.
We made the trip to Amsterdam to talk to Michele Patrassi, a Full Stack Developer from WeTransfer, about his "unusual" resume. About his challenges as a founder, what he's learned along the way, and why he'd rather work for a company than himself.
Riki – known internally only as Oprah.
Whoever controls machine learning controls the future.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if we had a completely digital mirror image that controlled all our online activities? While computers used to be programmed by humans, today they can program themselves. They learn from us and thus about us.How such a master algorithm comes about and what it can do, you can see in this Youtube video.
Lina – is employee no. 101010101
Be like a monk.
Even though I've been practicing self-reflection and positive thinking for a long time, "Think like a Monk" by Jay Shetty showed me that it happens again and again that I compare myself or that negative thoughts make themselves too comfortable in my comfort zone. A wonderful book that encourages you to be honest with yourself.
Ela – is considering wearing a tonsure soon.
Artificial intelligence and recruiting.
Have you heard of Work 5.0? Work 5.0 means nothing other than close collaboration between humans and machines in the world of work. Or as it is called in recruiting: In the podcast, Charly explains what artificial intelligence really is, what opportunities it offers for recruitment and why it's worth taking the specialist department out of its day-to-day business for a change.
Charly – finds that No. 5 is alive.
Inclusion also means confrontation.
Have you ever asked yourself whether your website or app is accessible? And how does inclusive work actually work? A conversation between Waldemar Zeiler from Einhorn and Raul Krauthausen about inclusion in the workplace, openness to change and authentic communication.
Gilles – wants to lower the barriers in your head.